Helping Those Impacted by Sex Addiction

SASA invites therapists, therapy students and group facilitators to attend in person, or online, this training on working with those impacted by sexual addiction/problematic sexual behaviours. For this afternoon and evening event our international experts (see below) will be attending virtually, but we still recommend you join us in Avondale so that we can network as well as learn together.

Presenter: Dr Jake Porter, LPC, CSAT

Presenter: Dr Jake Porter, LPC, CSAT

A Relational–Psycho-biological Approach to Addiction, Betrayal, Recovery, and Healing

August 6, 2021

We are created as embodied souls who bear the image of our Creator. All of what makes us who we are — body and soul — form a functional unit, such that what we do in our bodies matters spiritually, and what we do spiritually has an effect on our bodies. A powerful example of this truth can be found in examining the neurobiology of sexual addiction, betrayal trauma, and the relational dynamic within couples suffering from these challenges.

In the first portion of this presentation, Dr. Jake Porter will explain how sex addiction and betrayal trauma are developed, experienced, and healed in the human brain and nervous system. After considering the neurophysiology of the sexual addict and betrayed partner, the presentation will examine the interpersonal neurobiology of the relational dynamic within the coupleship. Dr. Porter will show how the relational dynamic can serve to reinforce traumas or become an agent in their healing.

Presenter: Cat Etherington, CPC

Presenter: Cat Etherington, CPC

Sex Addiction: Recovery Basics

August 6, 2021
6:30-8:00 PM

Starting out in recovery from problematic sexual behaviours may not be straightforward. So, where do we start with clients who are using sex in ways that are addictive, compulsive and problematic? Cat will offer some practical and theoretic solutions to the problem of sexual addiction, starting with the basics of education, defining boundaries, understanding triggers and relapse prevention. She will share some of the tools she has developed and adapted to support the work of Naked Truth Recovery. Cat will also reflect on the longer term work of recovery from problematic sexual behaviours and how this may differ from other addictions, focusing on the attitudinal changes that constitute emotional and sexual sobriety.

Price: $160 (includes afternoon tea).
Location: The Haven, Avondale
Date/Time: August 6, 12:15pm-8:00pm
Click here to register and let us know whether you plan to attend online or in person.
Payment: SASA’s bank details are 12 3099 0088818 00. Please put your name and the event name (AUG TRAINING) into the payment details.