Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model Training

October 2022

SASA invites counsellors, therapists and pastoral care worker to attend online, our four- day introductory training on how to work with couples who are in early recovery from sexual addiction and betrayal trauma.

Working with couples is hard work, but with infidelity and compulsive sexual behavioral disorder, the picture becomes much more complicated and requires knowledge of how to work with couples from a partner-sensitive approach. ERCEM will provide strategies that will repair the relationship and build trust back into the coupleship. Moreover, the training will teach professionals empathy and relational skills they can use with their clients to enhance working through the three-phase partner betrayal model developed by APSATS.

Teaching the addict how to empathise and use techniques that support his wife’s healing is part of creating safety and stabilisation for the partner and prepares her (or him) for the grieving and anger work in Phase 2. This four-day training will provide couple exercises that have been adapted from the “Help Her Heal” model that will help the partner move through the anger, grief, mourning and loss stages. It teaches the “Ultimate Empathy Exercises” that allows her to rage at the addiction, grieve the loss of what she thought she had, and mourn what will never be the same again.

A companion text for this course is Carol’s book Help Them Heal.

Carol introducing the New Zealand training

Date & Time:

October 25-28

Price after september 25:



Online only


Carol Juergensen Sheets

  • Carol Juergensen Sheets LCSW, CSAT, CCPS-S, PCC better known as “Carol the Coach” has been treating individuals and couples for over 41 years. She is a certified sexual addictions counselor and certified partners of sexual addiction trauma specialist working in the US. She trains clinicians and coaches nationally and internationally and believes that her partner sensitive treatment approach enhances treating sexual addiction and partner trauma in the relationship. Her style assists couples in healing the shame and pain of sexual addiction and she uses post traumatic growth to emphasise a client’s strengths.

    Carol hosts an internet podcast and has written two books specific to sex addiction and partner betrayal: Help.Her.Heal: An Empathy Workbook for Sex Addicts to Help Their Partners Heal (co-authored by Allan J. Katz) and Unleashing Your Power: Moving Through the Trauma of Partner Betrayal